Dentists@Labrador Gold Coast Check-Up And Clean

Check Up & Clean

Nothing compares to a clean and fresh bite.

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Check Up and Cleans in Labrador

Nothing quite compares to walking out of the dentist with a fresh smile and having a healthy, clean mouth.

Visiting the dentist every six months can address and support your oral health, as well as
promote optimal oral health habits.

The team at Dentists@Labrador is passionate about supporting every patient’s oral health
and actively educate our patients on the importance of general dental maintenance and routines they can implement at home for an optimal oral health journey.

During Your Check-Up and Clean

During your initial check-up and clean appointment at Dentists@Labrador, our team will begin with a thorough review of your medical health and dental history.

During this time, we invite all patients to bring up any questions or concerns regarding their teeth and gums. By doing this, we allow a more accurate and personalised treatment planning process for our patients.

Our dentists will provide you with a comprehensive check-up and clean which is inclusive of:

And, if necessary, our dentists may perform:

At the end of all check-ups and clean appointments, our dentists will have a discussion with you about all of our findings and establish a personalised treatment plan.

How often should I visit the dentist?

To maintain a healthy mouth and ensure that we are addressing or preventing all dental concerns and issues from arising, visiting the dentist frequently is imperative.

The team at Dentists@Labrador recommends visiting the dentists every six months. Our team may also recommend you visit the dentist more often if you are experiencing gum or oral health issues.

Book A Check Up and Clean

If you’re looking for a new dentist local to you or are looking to book your next check-up and clean visit, chat with our team online or call us today on (07) 5563 1201.

Our team are more than happy to assist you on your smile journey!

Make an Enquiry

Got a question? Leave your details and enquiry below and our team will be in touch shortly.

Ask a question or book an appointment

Simply fill in your details in our convenient online form below and our team will get back to you shortly.

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